Mo Thakura
By : Nrusingha Tripathy
Language : Odia
ISBN : 978-1777681982
Paperback :
Dimensions : 5.5 x 8.5 Inches
A comprehensive Odia book (Mo Thakur) on Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra by Nrusingha Tripathy and Akshaya Mishra. In this book, different incidents of Sri Sri Thakur’s long 81 years of humanitarianism, based on his unique life philosophy (ideology), answers to many questions arising in the mind of devotees, in different times, in different backgrounds, during the discussion period of conversation, are presented. Hope, countless devotees, disciples and followers of Sri Sri Thakur will benefit from reading this and will be newly inspired and move forward in the path of life.
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